Hello there

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today is my besday...
Well,im 16 years old already. (getting old -.-)
Trimas to all my friends whose just wishing me hepy besday for today.
But, im dispointed with someone who is my___ not wishing for me.He's late.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Neechan first baby

Neechan already give born for the first time in her life!
Tak sangke btol...aku jd moyang! >p
Neechan lahirkan 3 ekor anak nyiaw yg comel...tpi malang nasib anak2 nyiaw tu...ibunye tak nak bertanggungjawab langsung! Anak2 nyiaw tu ngis tak henti2...sbb diorg lapar....tak menyusu pon.
So, aku bwk lah diorg pd ibu ganti...Niichan. Niichan yg tlong gantikan, dia yg susukan anak2 nyiaw tu. Mule2 tu Niichan tak nak. "Ni bkn anak aku lah!" tpi lame2 sikit Niichan calm down n stay ngn anak2 nyiaw tu...dia tau Neechan(adknye) msih mentah lagi...tak tau nk jaga baby.

So, skrg Niichan dah ade 4 ekor anak lah. Sekor anak kandung 3 ekor anak tiri.
Niichan btol2 syg gila ngn anak tiri nye tu...siap satukan tmpt dgn ank kandungnye.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Niichan give birth

Niichan nub! grr...tak pandai jaga anak nya yg sekor tu. Cian anak nyiaw tu nangis sbb ibunya tinggalkan dia sendirian. Ni first time Niichan mengandung dan melahirkan anak. Tu baru sekor...belum agi 4 ekor. Hihihihi....anak Niichan tu mcm Cimi lah...tpi ekor nye pnjang cam ibunya.

Talk about Stup it person.
u suck!
ever n ever i wont turn back to u.
all our promise is over....no promised.
ok done. i do.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Wishlist


= Teddy bear the biggest one

= Panda the biggest one too!

= Cute note book ( for my diary >U< )

= Kawaii sticker ( for my stuff )

= A lots of Comics from Ben,Chiba Nana, Kaoru (Love them!!)

= Guitar ( i want to create own band!)

= Art sets (brush,palet,drawing block..or anything)= ilove drawing!!!

= Piano ( want to create own songs)

= Handphone ( i nvr nvr had a own phone T^T so sad)

= Camera Nikon (photography! i luv it!)

= MP3 or MP4 ( ears candy )

= Ipod nano (fabulous!)

= Hamster (kawaii kawaii!!!)

= White Spectacles no power ( for my nerd style ><)

= Blackie dress ( for harajuku style!)

= Blackie Boots ( yeah...i like it so much)

= Blackie Eyelinear (for my eyes)

= Full set of M.a.c makeup ( i luv to make up people)

= Silver kawaii necklace ( i hate gold)

= Set of DollHouse ( heee.....)

= Cute Pencil Box ( of course for bring to school)

= Beg ( for style n for school)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Lupe lak nk crite psl picnik kt PD..well,tak pe tak pe...izati dh crite kan dah kt blog nih (www.mysillybunny.blogspot.com )

Time ni first day...sume mandi kt laut, aku sorang je tak mau mandi sbb aku tau air laut tu kotor! Hehe...n' tak nak kne sunburn!
Seronok nye mandi...T^T

Ni pulak candid.
Hehe...mase diorg sume tgh mandi aku yg takde keje nih main bendalah ni je lah.

Gambar ni yg paling aku ske. Nampak nature!

Pada waktu malam,kiteorang lepak kt cni sbb bosan.

Tu je lah cite aku..tak byk.Nak lebih detail bace kat cni.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Under stress

I no need a boyfriend at all UNDERSTAND!
I just need a friends only to talk,share common interest or accompany me.
That's all.
I hope u understand me.
If not, tommorrow u'll see me on news and tv.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nee,Nii and Cimi besday.

This picture have been captured on May 2009
They was born on 10 March 2009 and today their birthday.
But only Neechan,Niichan and Cimi was here.
Miut and Miichan in heaven right now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Madam Chang...i love u, teacher. My favorite teacher ever!

Today,Madam Chang talk about Friendship and healthy relationship between friends.

Now i know what i must to do.

Do you agree for coupling? (NO) bcoz ur mind not open to others.

let's me talk in bahasa lah..><>
Korang tau tak mcm mane couple? Of course lah tau kan.Seorg girl seorg boy n they talk,walk all together everywhere without others.Btol ckp Madam Chang...kita akan jd tak berkembang dgn other people klu asyik berdua2 ngn kekasih jer.Bcoz if we "dua2" je, of course lah slh seorg psangan akan control kita like "jgn ganggu dia..jgn berckp ngn dia..she is mine" SEE ? pernah kan bf or gf korang wat gitu? Kita jadi mcm terkongkong..tak bleh berkwn ngn org lain tak kira lelaki or girls. Bosan kan dan emosi bleh terganggu kan klu camtu?

Friendship tak kira seorang atau ramai tak kira perempuan atau lelaki. Kita perlu berkawan tpi bukan jatuh hati and make a coupling.

I dont know how to explain ngn jelas...hanya Madam Chang inspirasi aku.

And thnx Tama cz bgi nasihat n pendapat.

= Couple bleh wat kita terikut dgn budaya berat yg negetif...cthnye kissing,sex bebas,berdua2 n mcm2 lah..Teruk giler..

=Couple for making a love bleh buat emosi terjejas and pembelajaran jd terganggu...

=Sweet couple? Euik...tlong lah..geli tgok! aku sendiri nk making a sweet couple pon rse malu je.

=Nnti kwn2 lain rse tersisih n pandang serong je klu tgok kite ngn org same je(couple)

=Mcm katak di bawah tempurung tak tau hal sekeliling.

=Mcm org sombong



=sakit hati


and so on.....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Horray ! my room has done decorated and all the furniture are peach n red in colour.
i'm sooo happy le.!