Hello there

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Welcome 2012

Agak lama dah rasanya tak update blog ni . Last post bulan ogos 2011 ye tak ?? Hahaha... minta maaf semua . Tahun lepas saya sangat sibuk yelahhh budak SPM ~ hehe.
Jadi sekarang saya ada banyak kelapangan waktu jadi saya rasa nak mula baliklah dalam crafting ni~

Walaupun dah lama tak update bukan bermakna perniagaan saya dah tutup eh... hihihi . Sebenarnya tahun lepas masih lagi berjalan jualan-jualan ni cuma untuk budak-budak sekolah jer . Itu pun dengan bantuan Mama saya =w= yang ambil order dan buat craft .
Saya cuma tolong design dan gunting je~ heee.....

Oh iyaaa....TAKE A LOOK ~!

Inilah amigurumi !
Tetiba rasa nak mengait patung pulak dah !
Hahaha...... memang dari dulu lagi teringin benor nak mengait . Mama pernah ajar tapi masa tu saya renek-renek lagi so agak susah lah nak pegang jarum kait tu .
Sekarang alhamdullilah dah boleh mengait ! Dengan bantuan mama dan youtube je saya dah pandai . XD Pandai buat yang basic je . Belum lagi bentuk bunga-bunga , teddy dan lain-lain tu kena practise dulu .

Okey sampai sini dulu coret-coret saya ~
Nanti saya akan updates more with pictures ~
Wait ya !

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jualan di Karnival.

23 Jul 11 Karnival Mesra Rakyat diadakan di sekolahku.
Aku pon ambillah peluang ni utk buka gerai jugak. Aku join ngn kwn2 adk aku,Amir punye tapak. Click sini utk STORY yg lebih lanjut . hehehe..
Byk juga yg habis terutamanya yg ade terpampang kt gmbr tu...Bear,Panda,Sushi,Tikus,Donut. Favourite korang right! Haha..Aku sgt gumbiiiira semasa jualan tu. Kebanyakkannya budak perempuan lah yg dtg beli yelahh GirLs kan ske benda2 comel, tak gituu GirlS ? hekhek.

Lepas jualan tu, berbondong2 pulak customer order brg2 craft ni.... =.= Aku igt nk stop trus tak nak jahit lagi lepas jualan tu . Aku SPM tahun nie. Mati aku ! (o.0 )
Tapi, takpelah, ambil jelah order2 tu...
Mama lah yg telah gantikan aku . Aku pon ade tolong jugak, tolong gunting bentuk dan kasi idea.
Terima Kasih tau kawan-kawan !

Monday, June 13, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hi semua !!!! dah lama tak updates blog ni kan? Wait...wait... ade barang baru akan terpapar di blog ni.
Cume saya msih xde masa nak updates bendalah ni semua. Kerja sekolah,revision,tuisyen dan banyak lagi kena fikir.

Oh ya, walau pape pon, aku kena siapkan gak order dari Shery dlu. 2 Domo yg besar. Yg lain2 tu sabar dlu ek.

Terima Kasih ~~~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fake Mini Pancake

Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き?) is a type of Japanese confection which consists of two small pancake-like patties made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweetred bean paste.

It originally only had one layer, and the current shape was invented in 1914 by the UenoUsagiya.

In Japanese, dora means "gong", and because of the simililarity of the shapes, this is probably the origin of the name of the sweet.

Taraaa ! the pancake with syrup.
Sorry about the syrup not seem real like in picture because i put choco syrup too much and not mixed with the honey syrup. XD
" Wow, chocolate syrup on my pancake ! "
This is an ice cream. I also put the syrup on it.

* I use paint glass as a syrup. U can find it at Daiso, IoI

Before & After = Pizza

Before dry.
After dry. Look so yummy right ?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Clay creation ! READY MADE


Yeah!! Ready to sell. v(◕‿◕)v

Haha...my clay cane. Not for sale because this is mine. Hee.
Just want to show it~

Yosh! Onigiri!!
I love to making onigiri because its easy to made and no need to mix up with another colour.
Hp charm
Rm 3 (small) each

Cute little bird ! You don't like blue colour ? Yeah! you can customize your own.

Hp charm
Rm 4(each)

I love donuts!!!! Argh...can make me crazy. LOL.

Hp charm
Rm 5 (each)

Oh yeah...Hamburger!
Hp charm
Rm 3 small(each)

Mashmellow time~

Hp charm
Rm 5 (small) each

.Crsytal Jewellery.

.Crsytal Jewellery.
Made by my mother.
You can choose any colour you like.
So, what you waiting for...PM me now! ^^

Saturday, December 4, 2010